Re: [squid-users] STABLE squid repo location?

From: Henrik Nordstr�m <>
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2011 03:58:17 +0100

lör 2011-12-17 klockan 03:44 +0100 skrev Henrik Nordström:
> tor 2011-12-15 klockan 11:48 -0500 skrev Michael Altfield:
> > I think I might have found it here (
> > /3.1), but I'm not sure if this is the STABLE repository. If it is, can som=
> > eone please explicitly say so in the README of the repo or on the wiki (htt=
> > p:// If not, please let me know where=
> > to find it.
> The official source repository for Squid-3 is the bazaar repository at
> where you find 3.1 in branches/SQUID_3_1 even,..

> But launchpad is an automatic mirror of the same, and contains exactly
> the same information with just a slight delay, and much better
> connectivity.
> And as others have mentioned you can also view the changesets from our
> web page, divided per release. This view is slightly filtered to hide
> automatic derived changes with no impact on the code as such.
> Any specific change you are looking for?
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Sat Dec 17 2011 - 02:58:37 MST

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