[squid-users] Authentification on each multiple outgoing ip

From: æÒÁÎÓÕÁ íÁÒÔiÎÅÓ <182soso_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2009 02:20:07 +0200

Hi guys.
I have such issue. My head has already swolen from this issue ))) So...

I have server with several outgoing IPs. My task: to each outgoing IP
on proxy bind login-password

Doesnt matter ip source of user. User use proxy if he knows
login-password for separate ip on proxy.

i attach my squid.cong file.

so far, in squid.cong i wrote 2 proxy IPs.
i tried to bind different login-passw to them.
doesnt matter via what proxy ip i want to connect my browser.
i setup browser even on IPs that not yet mentioned in squid.conf (in
squid.conf there only and
all the proxy IPs while trying to connect through them demand
login-password. And for all of them the only right login is mechelen
(see in squid.conf)

can anybody help with this task?
thx a lot!

Received on Sat Nov 07 2009 - 00:20:15 MST

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