--- thomas.hoefler@dataaustria.com wrote:
> I have a problem accessing URLĀ“s that are aliases
> like squid.nlanr.net.
> Error msg:
> The requested URL could not be retrieved
> ----
> While trying to retrieve the URL:
> http://squid.nlanr.net/Squid/
> The following error was encountered:
> Unable to determine IP address from host name for
> squid.nlanr.net
> The dnsserver returned:
> DNS Domain 'squid.nlanr.net' is invalid: Host not
> found (authoritative).
> This means that:
> The cache was not able to resolve the hostname
> presented in the URL.
> Check if the address is correct.
> ----
> Generated Fri, 04 Feb 2000 16:53:08 GMT by
> srv-http.dataaustria.com
> (Squid/2.2.STABLE3)
> but I can access squid-cache.org
> Please Help
It is working fine for us. when i browsed the url
automatically it goes to the site http://www.cache.org
also for us the url http://squid.nlanr.net/ works.
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Received on Sat Feb 05 2000 - 15:37:18 MST
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