Re: load balancig

From: Jonathan Larmour <>
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 22:12:50 +0000

InfraRED/Veres Tibor wrote:
> Hi...
> I want to use a squid proxy to balance the load between some parent
> proxies (some of them icp capable, some not)
> I want the following (or something similar) behaviour:
> Ask the icp capable parents whether they have the page
> if yes fetch
> If no fetch the page from one of the proxies in wheightened round-robin
> where the weight is dynamically changed to sum (average transfer speed of
> the last 10 requests sent to this proxy, not counting pages already cached
> by parent)

Certainly if an ICP capable parent says it has something, then it will be
fetched from there. For the second part, I believe that squid by default
already fetches MISSes from the parent with the lowest average RTT which
correlates with the transfer speed (although it is probably averaged over
more than the last 10 requests).


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Received on Mon Feb 08 1999 - 14:59:37 MST

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