lör 2009-07-11 klockan 20:08 +1200 skrev Amos Jeffries:
> It's most visible in rotate because Squid is intended to keep running
> with a hot-swap of its logs. Previously the sequence was causing two
> full sets of helpers to be started, and a period of overlap before the
> async closure of the old set happened.
Yes, this is what Squid-2 does. It schedules the existing set to be
closed (no more new requests assigned to them), and starts a new set.
The old set dies as soon as it's completed doing what it's doing at the
moment.. (including statful associations).
> But now that we are enforcing the number of helpers started to prevent
> memory bloat the overlap prevents the new set from starting at all.
Hmm.. why?
haven't been much of a problem in all the years we have been doing
this.. except possibly for some poorly configured SquidGuard setups with
large text lists without db backends...
> The safety checks in helper itself which prevent live restart attempts
> are tuned to only do so on incremental helper deaths, not to wholesale
> 100% loss of helpers.
> Our options are:
> 1 don't shutdown helpers on rotate (this ha been another open bug)
> 2 make helpers code extremely aggressive to keep helpers running (at
> cost of being able to detect failures)
> 3 make mainRotate async
Or 4, go back to don't strictly enforce the number of helpers?
> Is there something I've missed that means some helpers MUST be restarted
> on rotate?
Helpers are restarted because their stderr is connected to cache.log in
append mode.
Received on Tue Jul 14 2009 - 22:52:08 MDT
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