CONNECT invalid-request

From: Liudas Bakšys <>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 08:45:36 +0300


I have upgraded squid-2.5.STABLE14 to squid-2.6.STABLE2 recently.
After upgrade I notice that “CONNECT” method doesn’t work (for
example connections to HTTPS servers). Squid returns “invalid
request” error page (ERR_INVALID_REQ). I have done some research and
trace down the problem. There is a condition in client_side.c
(1.666) file:

3671: if (conn->port->accel)
3672: goto invalid_request;

When request method is “CONNECT” this condition forces to go
to “invalid_request”. After I commented these lines out everything
work fine (I think so :).
Can anyone explain the purpose of this condition (“if (conn->port-

Thank you
Received on Wed Aug 09 2006 - 03:50:43 MDT

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